The First Years of Coeducation (1973-1974)

Senate Session Set

"Senate Session Set", Quadrangle, February 27, 1973. 

In the beginning of 1973, the administration announced that the Fall 1973 program would admit women in the following schools: The School of Business, The School of Engineering, The School of General Studies and the School of Teacher Preparation. Admission to the School of Arts and Sciences for women would be delayed until arrangements were worked out with Mount St. Vincent. As this editorial cartoon indicates, some students weren't happy about this. A Jasper Journal editorial claimed that having only some of the schools open to women was "a cruel and absurd joke."

In the spring of 1973, the College of Mount St. Vincent announced that it too would go coeducational, due in part to the success of the cooperative program, though it set Fall of 1974 as its start date.  

Jasperettes Smile

"Jasperettes Smile" by Tom Woebel, Jasper Journal, September 14, 1974.

In 1974, first-year female students started to be admitted to the college. They were about 15% of the freshmen class, and about 20% of the transfer students. The majority of freshmen women were entering into the School of Arts and the School of Science. Those schools had become an option for women students that fall. At the end of the 1974-1975 school year, women graduated with degrees predominantly from the evening school, with a handful in enginering, three in business and marketing related fields, and one in philosophy.